Terms of Service
Please read the Terms of Service
before using our studio.
If these terms are to be violated,
we may ask you to leave,
or we may have to take legal measures.
- Upon using our services, it is deemed you have agreed and accepted our Terms of Service.
- We may change, add and delete some terms without notification.
- The following actions mentioned below are prohibited.
- The following actions are prohibited at studio worcle. Anyone who acts against these policies will be asked out of the studio,and will be refused for further use of our studio, under any circumstances.
- If the studio properties are damaged by any of the following actions, he/she who has acted against policies may be ordered a fine, which he/she cannot reject.
- There will be a staff at all times for surveillance.
- The user representative must inform and remind fellow users to follow the policies.
・Using loud music or making loud sounds that may disturb other customers.
・Smoking in the studio.
・Leaving trash (in the studio, hall or outside)
・Drinking alcohol and/or partying in the studio.
・Damaging property of the studio
・Acting against Japanese law
・Damaging property belonging to our studio or our users.
・Interfering our business.
・Actions that may cause our studio to receive complaints from our users and our neighboring facilities. - We are not held responsible for any trouble between our users.
- Criminal actions or any other illegal actions towards other studio users, will immediately be reported to the police, when we are informed of such incident. In such case, we may disclose part of or all of customer information to the police without consent, if the studio manager acknowledges the necessity.
- Our decisions will be based on the following policies.
・Request for investigation and cooperation regarding a criminal case from the police, prosecution or any other relating agency.
・Orders from Court
・Request for disclosure based on Japanese law.